The Harvard Institute of Health Sciences


Program Length: 10 Weeks | Credential Issued: Certification


This200-hour programincorporatestheoretical, clinicalandinterpersonal skillsto providethe basis for the programgraduatetoworkcompetentlyasanentry-levelphlebotomist ina varietyof healthcare deliverysystems.


Thecourse will coverphlebotomy basics, specimencollection, specimenhandling,andthe student will be tested onthe necessary competenciesrequired bythe National Health Career Association (NHA). The course will preparethestudentto sitfor the certification examination fromNHA– Certified PhlebotomyTechnician (CPT).

Program Objectives:

Thistrainingprogramwill focusonpreparingthestudentsin beingcompetent to

  • Matchlaboratoryrequisition formstospecimentubes.
  • Disposeofcontaminatedsharps,inaccordancewithapplicablelaws, standards,and policies.
  • Draw blood fromveinsbyvacuumtube,syringe,orbutterflyvenipuncturemethods.
  • Disposeofblood orotherbiohazard fluidsor tissue,inaccordancewith applicablelaws, standards,orpolicies.
  • Draw blood fromcapillariesby dermalpuncture,suchasheelorfingerstickmethods.
  • Enterpatient,specimen,insurance,orbillinginformation into computer.
  • Organizeorcleanblood-drawingtrays,ensuringthatallinstrumentsare sterileandallneedles, syringes, orrelateditemsare offirst-timeuse.
  • Collectfluidortissuesamples,using appropriatecollectionprocedures.
  • Collectspecimensatspecifictimeintervalsfortests,suchasthoseassessing therapeuticdrug levels.
  • Transportspecimensorfluid samplesfromcollectionsites tolaboratories.
Admissions Requirements

To be eligible for admission, a prospective student must meet the following requirements:

  • Be able to read, write, speak and understand the English language;
  • Be a minimum of 18 years of age;
  • Complete the application and pay the $ 50.00 application fee;
  • Provide the minimum refundable down payment fee of $300 to hold your sit;
  • Provide the nonrefundable registration fee of $150 to hold your sit;
  • Proof of High School Diploma or General Education Diploma (GED) or higher College Degree from an accredited school in the United States;
  • Foreign country high school diploma or higher college degree (must be in English or translated into English);
  • Must be AHA CPR/BLS certified;
  • Submit health standards documentation before clinical skills;
  • Complete a general physical exam and immunization – physical exam and all immunizations are due prior to clinicals, if required;
  • Take the TABE exam if not exempt from TABE testing.
  • It is strongly suggested to attend a Medical Assisting information session but not a requirement for admission;

    1. In Florida:
    • Workers on average earn $36,780.
    • 10% of workers earn $30,660 or less.
    • 10% of workers earn $44,960 or more.


    1. In the United States:
    • Workers on average earn $38,530.
    • 10% of workers earn $30,250 or less.
    • 10% of workers earn $51,610 or more.


    Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics 2022 wage data:

Course Schedule Options

    1. Mornings: Tuesday – Thursday, 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM for 10 weeks
    2. Evenings: Tuesday – Thursday, 5 PM – 9 PM for 10 weeks
    3. Weekends: Saturday, 9 AM – 3 PM for 14 weeks


*Note: Classes scheduled on holidays will be made up in other regularly scheduled classes unless otherwise noted on individual course syllabi. The calendar dates are subject to change.

Please call for more information.

Course Start Dates

September 2023 – September 2024

Sep. 25

Nov. 06

Jan. 22

May. 20

Sep. 16