The Harvard Institute of Health Sciences


Program Length: 3 Weeks | Clock Hours: 20


NursingAssistantsare onthe frontlinesof the countryshealthcare system, providingdirectpatient careineverysetting– fromhospitalsto nursinghomes.The trainingto become a certified nursing assistant (CNA)isrelatively short andallowsstudentsanopportunityto start their careers ina matterof weeks.


TheidealCNAcandidate is compassionate andempathetic,with agenuine interestinhelping others. In manycases, theCNAprovidesthe day-to-day, hands-on,patient care – assistingwith routine dailyactivities, suchaswalking, eating, bathing,andusingthe restroom. CNAsimprove the overall qualityof life of thosesufferingfromchronic conditions,oldage, andinjuries.

Program Objectives:

The Nursing Assistant program will provide the knowledge and skills required to perform basic nursing care. In this program, the students will learn about ethical and legal issues, communication, documentation, safety, OSHA, HIPPA, infectious diseases, restorative care, vital signs, nutrition, transfer techniques, and issues of death and dying. The student will be introduced to the basics of anatomy and physiology, medical terminology as it relates to each body system. The objective is to prepare the students to fulfill the role of the Nursing Assistant and to be eligible to provide a safe and effective basic nursing care and to be eligible to challenge the nursing assistant examination in the State of Florida to get certified and be more competitive in the workplace market.


The program intends to educate the student to be proficient in the following occupational tasks and responsibilities required of a nursing assistant.  Students will complete about 20 hours of clinical knowledge and clinical skills. Some of the job duties with respect to clinical knowledge and skills are as follows:

  • Answerpatientcallsignals,signal lights,bells,orintercom systemsto determine patients’ needs.
  • Turn orrepositionbedridden patients.
  • Providephysicalsupportto assistpatientsto perform daily livingactivities,such as gettingout ofbed,bathing, dressing, usingthe toilet, standing, walking, orexercising.
  • Reviewpatients’dietaryrestrictions, food allergies,and preferencesto ensurepatient receives appropriate diet.
  • Measureand record foodand liquidintakeor urinary and fecaloutput, reportingchanges to medical ornursingstaff.
  • Record vitalsigns,such as temperature, bloodpressure, pulse, orrespirationrate, as directed by medicalornursing staff.
  • Gatherinformationfromcaregivers, nurses, or physicians about patientcondition, treatmentplans, or appropriate activities.
  • Observeor examine patients to detect symptomsthat may requiremedicalattention, such as bruises, open wounds,orblood in urine.
  • Document orotherwise report observations of patientbehavior, complaints,orphysical symptomsto nurses.
  • Remind patientstotakemedications ornutritionalsupplements.
Admissions Requirements

  • Be able to read, write, speak and understand the English language;
  • Be a minimum of 18 years of age;
  • Complete the application and pay the $ 50.00 application fee;
  • Provide the minimum refundable down payment fee of $300 to hold your sit;
  • Provide the nonrefundable registration fee of $150 to hold your sit;

In Florida:

  • Workers on average earn $32,250.
  • 10% of workers earn $26,880 or less.
  • 10% of workers earn $39,760 or more.


In the United States:

  • Workers on average earn $35,760.
  • 10% of workers earn $28,030 or less.
  • 10% of workers earn $45,940 or more.


Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics 2022:

Course Fees

  • Tuition Fee – $350
  • Application Fee – $100
  • Registration Fee (non-refundable) – $150

Total – $600


Start with $300.00 down payment with low flexible weekly payment!

Course Schedule Options

Weekends: Saturday, 12 PM – 6 PM for 4 weeks


*Note: Classes scheduled on holidays will be made up in other regularly scheduled classes unless otherwise noted on individual course syllabi. The calendar dates are subject to change.

Please call for more information.

Course Start Dates

  1. Sep. 18 – Oct. 04
  2. Oct. 09 – Oct. 25
  3. Oct. 30 – Nov. 15
  4. Nov. 20 – Dec. 06
  5. Dec. 11 – Dec. 27
  6. Jan. 08 – Jan. 24
  7. Jan. 29 – Feb. 14
  8. Feb. 19 – Mar. 06
  9. Mar. 11 – Mar. 27
  10. Apr. 01 – Apr. 17
  11. Apr. 22 – May 08